Tao Xiang
Professor,CAS Academician
Key Laboratory of Condensed Matter Theory and Computation,
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Tao Xiang
- Bachelor of Science, from Physics Department, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 1984
- Master of Science, from Physics Department, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 1986
- PhD in Physics, from Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1990
- Research Assistant, University of Oxford, 1990 – 91
- Research Fellow, University of Warwick, 1991 – 92
- Research Associate, University of Cambridge, 1992 – 98
- Professor, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1998
- Professor, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2007
- Fellow of American Physical Society 2011
- Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences 2013
- Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences 2015
Research Interests:
Theory of Condensed Matter Physics, particularly theoretical investigation and numerical exploration of emergent quantum phenomena:
- Renormalization group theory of tensor network states
- Microscopic mechanism of high temperature superconductivity
- Topological phase transition
- Quantum spin liquid
Selected publications
- H. J. Liao, Z. Y. Xie, J. Chen, Z. Y. Liu, H. D. Xie, R. Z. Huang, B. Normand, T. Xiang, Gapless spin-liquid ground state in the S=1/2 kagome antiferromagnet, Physical Review Letters 118, 137202 (2017) (Editors' suggestion). arXiv:1610.04727
- Z. C. Wei, C. Wu, Y. Li, S. Zhang, T. Xiang, Majorana Positivity and the Fermion sign problem of Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations, Physical Review Letters 116, 250601 (2016). arXiv:1601.01994
- Z. Y. Xie, J. Chen, J. F. Yu, X. Kong, B. Normand, T. Xiang, Renormalization of quantum many-body systems by the projected entangled simplex states, Physical Review X 4, 011025 (2014). arXiv:1307.5696
- Z. Y. Xie, J. Chen, J. W. Zhu, L. P. Yang, T. Xiang, Coarse graining tensor renormalization by the higher-order singular value decomposition, Physical Review B 86, 045139 (2012); arXiv:1201.1144
- Q. N. Chen, M. P. Qin, J. Chen, Z. C. Wei, H. H. Zhao, B. Normand, T. Xiang, Partial order and finite-temperature phase transitions in Potts models on irregular lattices, Physical Review Letters 107, 165701 (2011). arXiv:1105.5030
- X.W. Yan, M. Gao, Z.Y. Lu, T. Xiang, Electronic structures and magnetic order of ordered-Fe-vacancies ternary iron selenides TlFe1.5Se2 and AFe1.5Se2 (A=K, Rb, or Cs), Physical Review Letters 106, 087005 (2011). arXiv:1012.6015
- Z. Y. Xie, H. C. Jiang, Q. N. Chen, Z. Y. Weng, T. Xiang, Second Renormalization of Tensor-Network States, Physical Review Letters 103, 160601 (2009) arXiv:0809.0182
- F. Ma, W. Ji, J. Hu, Z.Y. Lu, T. Xiang, First-principles calculations of the electronic structure of tetragonal alpha-FeTe and alpha-FeSe crystals: Evidence for a bicollinear antiferromagnetic order, Physical Review Letters 102 (2009) 177003. arXiv:0809.4732
- F. Ma, Z. Y. Lu, T. Xiang, Arsenic-bridged antiferromagnetic superexchange interactions in LaOFeAs, Physical Review B 78, 224517 (2008), arXiv:0804.3370
- H. C. Jiang, Z. Y. Weng, T. Xiang, Accurate determination of tensor network state of quantum lattice models in two dimensions, Physical Review Letters 101, 090603 (2008); arXiv:0806.3719
- D. H. Lee, G. M. Zhang, T. Xiang, Edge solitons of topological insulators and fractionalizaed quasiparticles in two dimensions, Physical Review Letters 99, 196805 (2007) arXiv: 0705.3499.
- X. Y. Feng, G. M. Zhang, T. Xiang, Topological characterization of quantum phase transitions in a S=1/2 spin model, Physical Review Letters 98,087204 (2007) cond-mat/0610626
- T. Xiang, "D-wave Superconductivity" (Monograph, in Chinese), Science Press, Beijing 2007
Tel: 86-10-82648010
Email: txiang@iphy.ac.cn