Yanmei Yu
Associate Professor
Key Laboratory of Condensed Matter Theory and Computation,
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Research interests
Cold atom, Precision measurement, Relativistic ab-initio calculations
Recent projects
Study of optical clock transition properties by using relativistic coupled-cluster calculation, NSFC2013-2016
Relativistic calculation of atomic structures in optical clocks and precision measurement, NSFC2016-2018
Optical clock transitions in highly charged ions (HCIs), NSFC2019-2022
- T. Guo, Y. M. Yu*, Y. Liu, B. B. Suo*, and B. K. Sahoo*, Electric dipole and quadrupole properties of Cd atom for atomic clock applications, 103, 013109 (2021).
- M. Yu*, B. K. Sahoo, and B. B. Suo, The ground state g_j factors of the Cd+, Yb+ and Hg+ ions, Phys. Rev. A102, 062824 (2020).
- D.Pan, B. Arora, Y. M. Yu*, B. K. Sahoo*, and J. B. Chen*, Optical-lattice-based Cs active clock with a continual superradiant lasing signal, Phys. Rev. A 102, 041101(R) (2020).
- Singh, Jyoti, B. Arora, B. K. Sahoo and Y. M. Yu, Magic Wavelengths for Optical-Lattice Based Cs and Rb Active Clocks, Atoms 8(4), 79 (2020).
- X. T.Guo, M. Yu*, Y. Liu, and B. B. Suo, Finite-field calculation of electric quadrupole moments of 2P3/1 2, 2 2D3/2,5/2, and 2F5/2,7/2 states for Yb+ ion, Chin. Phys. B Vol. 29, 53101 (2020).
- Yu Yanmei* and Sahoo B. K.*, "Investigating ground-state fine-structure properties to explore suitability of boronlike S11+-K14+and galliumlike Nb10+-Ru13+ ions as possible atomic clocks", Phys. Rev. 99, 022513 (2019).
- Han Jizhe, Yu Yanmei*, Sahoo B. K*. Zhang Jianwei*, Wang Lijun, "Roles of electron correlation effects for the accurate determination of gj factors of low-lying states of 113Cd+and their applications to atomic clocks", Phys. Rev. A 100, 042508 (2019).
- Yanmei Yu*, Andrei Derevianko, Transition rates and radiative lifetimes of Ca I, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 119, 263 (2018).
- Yan-Mei Yu*, and B. K. Sahoo*, Selected highly charged ions as prospective candidates for optical clocks with quality factors larger than 1015, Phys. Rev. A 97, 041403(R) (2018).
- Cheng-Bin Li, Yan-Mei Yu, and B. K. Sahoo, Relativistic coupled-cluster-theory analysis of energies, hyperfine-structure constants and dipole polarizabilities of Cd+, Phys. Rev. A 97, 022512 (2018)
- K. Sahoo and Yan-mei Yu, Dipole polarizability calculation of the Cd atom: Inconsistency with experiment, Phys. Rev. A 98, 012513 (2018)
- Zhi Ming Tang, Yan-Mei Yu*, Jun Jiang and ChenZhong Dong, Magic wavelengths for the 6s2 1S0–6s6p 3Po1 transition in ytterbium atom, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51, 125002 (2018).
- Zhi Ming Tang, Yan-Mei Yu*, and Chen Zhong Dong, Determination of static dipole polarizabilities of Yb atom, Chin. Phys. B Vol. 27, 063101 (2018).
- Yan-Mei Yu* and Bing-Bing Suo, Energy level crossing of highly charged ions for optical clocks, Asian Journal of Physics 25, 1119 (2016).
- Yan-Mei Yu* and B. K. Sahoo*, Scrutinizing Al-like 51V10+, 53Cr11+, 55Mn12+, 57Fe13+, 59Co14+, 61Ni15+, and 63Cu16+ ions for atomic clocks with uncertainties below the 10-19 level, Phys. Rev. A 94, 062502 (2016).
- Yan-mei Yu*, B. K. Sahoo*,Estimation of the blackbody-radiation shift due to the Stark effect for the microwave 113Cd+ ion clock, Physical Review A, 211.21, 96: 050502(R).
- Zhi-Mei Wang, Jin-Ling Lian, J.-Q. Liang, Yan-Mei Yu, and Wu-Ming Liu, Collapse of the superradiant phase and multiple quantum phase transitions for Bose-Einstein condensates in an optomechanical cavity, Phys. Rev. A 93, 033630 (2016).
- Yan-mei Yu*, Bing-bing Suo, Hui-hui Feng, Heng Fan, and Wu-Ming Liu, Finite-field calculation of static polarizabilities and hyperpolarizabilities of In+ and Sr, Phys. Rev. A 92, 052515 (2015).
- Bing-bing Suo, Yanmei Yu, and Huixian Han, Relativistic configuration interaction calculation on the ground and excited states of iridium monoxide, J. Chem. Phys. 142, 094303 (2015).
- Tian Zhang, Jia-He Lin, Yan-Mei Yu, Xiang-Rong Chen, Liu, Wu-Ming, Stacked bilayer phosphorene: strain-induced quantum spin Hall state and optical measurement, Scientific Reports, 5, 13927 (2015).
- Sai Tang, Simon Praetorius, Rainer Backofen, Axel Voigt, Yan-Mei Yu, Jincheng Wang, Two-dimensional liquid crystalline growth within a phase-field-crystal model, Phys. Rev. E, 92, 012504 (2015).
- Sai Tang, Yan-Mei Yu, Jincheng Wang, et al.,Phase-field-crystal simulation of nonequilibrium crystal growth, Phys. Rev. E 89, 012405 (2014).
- Yan-Mei Yu,Bing-Bing Suo, Heng Fan , Finite-field calculation of the polarizabilities and hyperpolarizabilities of Al+, Rev. A 88, 052518 (2013) .
- Chao-Fei Liu, Yan-Mei Yu, Shih-Chuan Gou,Wu-Ming Liu, Vortex chain in anisotropic spin-orbit-coupled spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates, Rev. A 87, 063630 (2013).
- Ji Li, Deng-shan Wang, Yan-Mei Yu*, Three-dimensional vortex soliton in Bose-Einstein condensates with spatial inhomogenous interaction,Phys. Rev. A,86,023628 (2012).
- Yan-Mei Yu*,1,Voigt Axel,Guo Xiaoshu,Liu Yong, Simultaneous step meandering and bunching instabilities controlled by Ehrlich-Schwoebel barrier and elastic interaction,A Phys. Lett., 99,263106(2011).
- Sai Tang, Rainer Backofen, Axel Voigt, Yan-Mei Yu*, Morphological instability of heteroepitaxial growth on vicinal substrates,Journal of Crystal Growth, 334,146 (2011).
- Yan-Mei Yu, Rainer Backofen, Axel Voigt, Morphological instability of heteroepitaxial growth on vicinal substrates,Journal of Crystal Growth,318, 18 (2011).