Yuan Wan
Special researcher
Key Laboratory of Condensed Matter Theory and Computation,
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
brief introduction
Bachelor degree: September 2002-2006.6 Nanjing University, Bachelor of Science
Master's degree: 2006.9-2009.6 Nanjing University, master of Science
Dr: 2009.9-2014.8 John Hopkins, Ph.D
Postdoctoral: September 2014-august 2017, postdoctoral of Perimeter Institute of theoretical physics
September 2017-march 2018 postdoctoral, Rudolf Peierls theoretical physics research center, Oxford University
Associate researcher: April 2018 to present deputy researcher, Institute of physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Research direction
Theory of condensed state. Recent research interests include frustration magnetism, nonequilibrium physics, and topological order. For more information, please visit the research group home page:
Main research topics in the near future
The unbalanced dynamics and non-equilibrium regulation of geometric frustration system
Micro theory of the resistance to frustration magnetic materials.
Postgraduate cultivation
One doctoral student and two postgraduates.
Main research results and representative papers
- Chun-Jiong Huang, Youjin Deng, Yuan Wan, and Zi Yang Meng, Dynamics of Topological Excitations in a Model Quantum Spin Ice, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 167202 (2018).
- Yuan Wan and Roderich Moessner, Control of the Effective Free-Energy Landscape in a Frustrated Magnet by a Field Pulse, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 167203 (2017).
- Yuan Wan, Juan Carrasquilla, and Roger G. Melko, Spinon walk in quantum spin ice, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 167202 (2016).
- Yuan Wan and Oleg Tchernyshyov, Phenomenological Z2 lattice gauge theory of the spin-liquid state of the kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet, Phys. Rev. B 87, 104408 (2013).
- Yuan Wan and Oleg Tchernyshyov, Quantum Strings in Quantum Spin Ice, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 247210 (2012).
- Yuan Wan and Qiang-Hua Wang, Pairing symmetry and properties of iron-based high-temperature superconductors, EPL 85 , 57007 (2009).