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Lei Wang


Key Laboratory of Condensed Matter Theory and Computation,
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Personal group website


Born in December 1983 in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
2002.9 ~ 2006.7 undergraduate of Physics Department of Nanjing University
2006.9 ~ 2011.7 graduate student, Institute of physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2011.9 ~ 2016.2 postdoctoral of Zurich Federal Institute of Technology
2016.3 ~ 2019.8 associate researcher, Institute of physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
September 2019 ~ researcher, Institute of physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

The main research directions are as follows

Deep learning, quantum algorithm, quantum multi-body computing

Current research topics and prospects:

Deep learning and its auxiliary scientific discovery
Applying quantum hardware and quantum algorithm to solve multibody problem
Design and develop new efficient numerical algorithms for strongly correlated systems

Training of Postgraduates:

Recruit 1-2 postgraduates every year. Postdoctoral students are welcome to join!

Other contact information:

personal website
