Shu Chen
Team leader and researcher
Key Laboratory of Condensed Matter Theory and Computation,
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shu Chen
Career History:
B.S., Southwest Normal University, 1993
M.S. Beijing Normal University, 1996
Ph.D.,Institute of physics, CAS, 1999
Associate Professor, Physics, Institute of Physics, 2004-2008
Professor, Physics, Institute of Physics, 2008-present
Research Interests:
Electron and Spin Properties of Low-Dimensional System, many-body theory for cold systems, quantum phase transitions, quantum integrable models
Institute of Physics P.O.Box 603 Beijing, 100190, China
Selected Recent Publications:
1.X. Yin, S. Chen and Y. Zhang, "Yang-Yang thermodynamics of Bose-Fermi mixture" Phys. Rev. A, 79, 053604 (2009)
2.Y. Hao, Y. Zhang and S. Chen, "Ground-state properties of hard-core anyon gases in 1d optical lattices", Phys. Rev. A, 79, 043633 (2009)
3.L. Guan S.Chen, Y.Wang and Z.Q. Ma, "Exact solution for infintely strongly interacting Fermi gases in tight waveguides", Phys. Rev. Lett, 102, 160402 (2009)
4.S.Chen, J. Cao and S.J.Gu "Two-component interacting Tonks-Girardeau gas in a one-dimensional optical lattice", EPL, 85, 60004 (2009)
5.Y. Hao, Y. Zhang, X W Guan and S. Chen, "Ground-state properties of two-component Bose gas in hard-wall traps", Phys. Rev. A, 79, 033607 (2009)
6.Y. Hao, Y. Zhang and S. Chen, "Ground-state properties of one-dimensional anyon gases", Phys. Rev. A, 78, 023631 (2008)
7.S.Chen, L. Wang, Y. Hao and Y.Wang, "Intrinsic relation between the ground-state fidelity and the characterization of a quantum phase transition", Phys. Rev. A, 77, 032111 (2008)
8.Y. Hao, Y. Zhang, and S. Chen, "One-dimensional fermionic gases with attractive p-wave interaction in a hard-wall trap", Phys. Rev. A, 76, 063601 (2007)
9.S.Chen, L. Wang, S.J. Gu and Y. Wang, "Fidelity and Quantum phase transition for the Heisenberg chain with the next-nearest-neighbor exchanges", Phys. Rev. E, 76, 061108 (2007)
10.Z. Cai, S.Chen, S. Kou and Y. Wang, "Two-dimensional spin-1 frustrated Heisenberg model with valence-bond ground states", Phys. Rev. B, 76, 054443 (2007)
11.S.Chen, Y. Wang, W. Q. Ning, C. Wu and H. Q. Lin, "Exact ground state and elementary excitations of the spin tetrahedron chain", Phys. Rev. B, 74, 174424 (2006)
12.Y. Hao, Y. Zhang, J. Q. Liang and S. Chen, "Exact ground state properties of ultracold Bose gases in a hard-wall trap", Phys. Rev. A, 73, 063617 (2006)
13.S. Chen, C. Wu, S.-C. Zhang and Y. Wang, "Exact spontaneous plaquette ground states for high-spin ladder models", Phys. Rev. B, 72, 214428 (2005)
14.S. Chen and R. Egger, "Destruction of interference by many-body interactions in cold atomic Bose gases", Phys. Rev. A, 68, 063605 (2003)
15.S. Chen, H. Büttner and J. Voit, "Exact ground state and excitation of an asymmetric spin ladder", Phys. Rev. B, 67, 054412 (2003)
16.S. Chen, B. Trauzettel and R.Egger, "Landauer-type transport theory for interacting quantum wires: Application to carbon nanotube Y junction", Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 226404 (2002)
17.S. Chen, H. Büttner and J. Voit, "Phase diagram of an asymmetric spin ladder", Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 087205 (2001)
Tel: 86-10-82649553
Email: schen@iphy.ac.cn