Jiantao Wang
Career History

Male, Ph.D., study in Japan in 1990, Tohoku University in Japan has made ​​material physics disabilities, MA, PhD. April 1998 to March 2001 Japan Society for the Promotion of any particular researcher. Returned in June 2002 he was appointed Associate Professor Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Science and Technology Deputy Director, Director, Office of Science and Engineering.

Research Interests Semiconductor surface properties, metal superlattice magnetic properties of nano-clusters of low-dimensional first-principles calculations of complex systems
Research Experience Long-term commitment to the surface / interface complex systems such as low-dimensional first-principles calculations of physical properties. A systematic study of 3d transition metals and Cu, Ag, Au, etc. constitute the multilayer magnetic and group III, V group elements formed on the surface of silicon in semiconductor nanostructures dynamic mechanism. Sb4 nanoclusters on the silicon surface, "two-step decomposition of the dual sub-rotation mechanism" is "Technology Review" selected as a major scientific progress in China in 2006 one of the 30 [see "Technology Review" 2007 a]. In Physical Review Letters, Applied Physics Letters, Physical Review B, Nano Letters and other scholarly journals published more than 40 papers.
Students 3 Ph.D students at study;
Tel 010-82649471
Email wjt@iphy.ac.cn