The Partially of Publication
1. Author : Liming Guan, Shu Chen , Yupeng Wang , and Zhong-Qi Ma
Title : Exact Solution for Infinitely Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases in TightWaveguides
Magazine :Phy. Rev. Lett. 102, 160402 (2009)
2. Author : Zhao Liu, Hongli Guo, Shu Chen , and Heng Fan ,
Title : Quantum-information approach to rotating Bose-Einstein condensates ,
Magazine :Physical Review A 80 , 063606 (2009)
3. Author : Xiaoling Cui and Yupeng Wang ,
Title : Phase diagram of imbalanced fermions in optical lattices ,
Magazine :Physical Review B 79 , 180509(R) (2009)
4. Author : Shi-Jian Gu, Junpeng Cao, Shu Chen , and Hai-Qing Lin,
Title : Quantum phase transition and elementary excitations of a Bose-Fermi mixture in a one-dimensional optical lattice ,
Magazine :Physical Review B 80 , 224508 (2009)
5. Author : Wing-Chi Yu, Ho-Man Kwok, Junpeng Cao , and Shi-Jian Gu,
Title : Fidelity susceptibility in the two-dimensional transverse-field Ising and XXZ models ,
Magazine :Physical Review E 80 , 021108 (2009)
6. Author : Hongli Guo, Yajiang Hao, and Shu Chen ,
Title : Quantum entanglement of particles on a ring with fractional statistics
Magazine :Physical Review A 80 , 052332 (2009)
7. Author : Yajiang Hao and Shu Chen ,
Title : Density-functional theory of two-component Bose gases in one-dimensional harmonic traps,
Magazine :Physical Review A 80 , 043608 (2009)