Yupeng Wang
Career History
Yupeng Wang was born in March, 1965. He graduated in optical department, Shandong University in 1984, and he got PhD degree in Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) in May, 1994. He visited as the Humboldt Scholar in physics department, Augsburg University, Germany and as visitor scholar in physics department, Bayreuth University, Germany and Florida State University, USA. Since 1996, he has been worked as professor in Cryogenic and Refrigeration Engineering Research Centre, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He worked as the leader of Condensed Matter Physics Research Center in Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences since June, 1999. He worked as the assistant director of Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the director of Condensed Matter and Material Computation Laboratory from 2001. He worked as the vice director of Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences from 2003, the managing director from 2006 and the director from 2007. He won the Outstanding Youth Scholar Prize from Hong Kong Qiushi Foundation and the China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists in 1998. His citation of single paper was the seventh in China in 1999. He won the Young Scientists Prize of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2001, National Outstanding Staff in 2004, Mao Yi-sheng Science and Technology Awards and Ye Qi-sun Award of Chinese Physics Society in 2005. He has been in charge of tens of Major Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Major Program for the Fundamental Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Research Interests The properties of strongly correlated systems and spin systems in low dimensions, including superconductivity, magnetism, nanostructures, cold atoms and the transport properties of mesoscopic systems, spintronics; the transport properties in artificial periodic nanostructures.
Research Experience He studies the magnetic impurities in low-dimentional strongly correlated systems and proposes ghost spin phenomenon. The representative paper has been cited for more than 100 times. 2 He proposes the edge critical exponent theory in Luttinger liquid, which paves the way to the transport properties in quasi-one-dimensional conductors. 3 He proposes the light rare earth doping theory of 123 phase high Tc superconductors and predicts many experimental phenomena. 4 He proposes the correspondence between Luttinger liquid theory and Fermi liquid theory. 5 He proposes the SU(4) spin ladder model and get the tuned structure caused by frustration. 6 He studies the spin-polarized transport properties of quantum dots. 7 He proposes the spin-singlet BCS state of P-wave pairing in band-degenerated superconductor systems, which can be applied to explain the paradox in non-traditional superconductors. 8 He studies the decoherent mechanics of quantum dots.
Students 4 PhDs and 3 Masters graduated. 3 PhD students, 2 Master students at study.
Tel 86(10)-82649469
Email yupeng@iphy.ac.cn