Recent Progress in Si-based Spintronic Materials
C. Y. Fong
 Department of Physics, University of California
We shall start with a comparison between electronics and spintronics. Possible spintronic non-Si-based materials will be presented. From there, we motivate our exploration of Si-based materials. Experimental and theoretical efforts on magnetic Si-related dilute alloys will be discussed first. A class of Si-based spintronic materials in a layered structure shows half metallicity will follow. Issues for growths of these half metals will be addressed by examining the single doping of Fe and Mn, respectively. Eventually, we shall present new half metallic trilayers which are expected to facilitate the growth. Hopefully, we can inspire experimental groups to grow these trilayers so that Si-based spintronic devices will be realized in the near future.  
Time: Jun. 6th, 2012 (Wednesday) 15:30
Place: IOP D-210 Conference Room
Contact: Ying Deng 82649414